much to ponder on my thinking pillow
mousegirlheart:much to ponder on my thinking pillow
View Articlemuch to ponder on my thinking pillow
mousegirlheart:much to ponder on my thinking pillow
View Article😂❤️
theriu:mockingbird-life:😂❤️Truly, the world is a better place for having skilled people who are willing to use their skills in the pursuit of incredible silliness.
View ArticleComenius University Botanical Garden, Bratislava
zegalba:Comenius University Botanical Garden, Bratislava
View Articleiris by goo goo dolls really is insane though. I’d give up forever to...
peskyfirefly:iris by goo goo dolls really is insane though. I’d give up forever to touch you? you’re the closest to heaven I’ll ever be? all I can breathe is your life? and I don’t want the world to...
View Articleif you’re happy for literally any reason no matter how...
crippled-peeper:crippled-peeper:if you’re happy for literally any reason no matter how “small” or “stupid” you’re winning in this world as far as I can tell caring for little plants? old video game? a...
View ArticleSucks to see someone else living your dream.
shamebats:shamebats:shamebats:Sucks to see someone else living your dream.They’re making it sound so doable… I have a long term plan for my life now.
View Articleseverance is like [45-50 minutes of life-altering television that leave you...
fishpondfish:severance is like [45-50 minutes of life-altering television that leave you wanting to walk into the ocean or perhaps perform a self-immolation]directed by
View ArticleWhat we share, he and I, may be a lot like a traffic accident, but we do...
maplefiasco:What we share, he and I, may be a lot like a traffic accident, but we do share it.-Margaret Atwood, Cat’s Eye
View Article& they say romance is dead
impartial-dairy-motel:swampgrl01-deactivated20240730:& they say romance is dead
View Article*ie don’t want to/can’t have bio kids, don’t want...
anonpolls:If you don’t want children, what is the main reason why?i don’t like childrenparenting is too restricting/too much responsibilityi lack the money or supporthaving a child is inaccessible to...
View Articlea lot of YA and fantasy stuff has always been a little cringe and silly but...
glorianas:a lot of YA and fantasy stuff has always been a little cringe and silly but at least it used to be cringe from the heart instead of designed in a lab to get teens on tiktok to use a certain...
View ArticleIt’s worth noting that there are some extraordinary people in the world...
leupagus:James Harrison, blood donor whose rare plasma saved millions of babies, dead at 88 | CNNIt’s worth noting that there are some extraordinary people in the world who have been quietly doing the...
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