mad respect for him…the world needs more people like him.
biggest smile on my face watching this, bless! :)
“Unconditional love for every living thing.” This boy is beautiful :)
If this boy starts a religion based on his ideals……….I’m a disciple
Watched this on What Would You Do last week, and that kid is great. By the way, if you’re not watching #WWYD, you should….fascinating scenarios and amazing reactions from folks; this is one of many terrific highlights you get every week.
YUP. THAT. HIM. YES. Unconditional love, every living thing. Learn from him.
It is SO good to know there are people out there like this still.
WWYD is a very difficult show to watch sometimes, cos a lot of the issues they touch upon hit nerves and I always end up in tears, even if it’s because of something beautiful like this. ♥ Couldn’t pass this up, though. Even if my throat’s all tight now, haha.
[Flash 10 is required to watch video.]