it’s cute but what is it? a … fat rat without ears?...
it’s cute but what is it? a … fat rat without ears? o_o
View Articlefuckyeahfeminists: from Why the ‘He Can Beat Me’ Tweets About...
fuckyeahfeminists: from Why the ‘He Can Beat Me’ Tweets About Chris Brown Aren’t Funny Every year, almost 1.5 million high school students experience dating abuse, and it takes on many different forms....
View Articledoodlingbreaktime: Tom Hiddleston | Adventures in Compassion...
doodlingbreaktime: Tom Hiddleston | Adventures in Compassion (in the Screen Trade), 2009. (X)
View Articlejennthebloody: get in my bed now (♥) leighton meester
jennthebloody: get in my bed now (♥) leighton meester
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