nachtschwimmen: cumberqueen: Seems legit. …on the floor,...
nachtschwimmen: cumberqueen: Seems legit. …on the floor, laughing…
View ArticleSo let's just get this straight...
eruditechick: Hunger Games has the 3rd biggest opening in movie history. An action flick starring a girl. Who isn’t an emaciated stick. Who isn’t a princess. Whose journey is motivated by her sister,...
View Articlexxfeuerfrei: crazymaexchen: Dear people in the XMFC fandom… if you actually...
xxfeuerfrei: crazymaexchen: Dear people in the XMFC fandom… if you actually use German words or sentences in your fics… please make sure they are correct. I actually want to hit something each time I...
View Articleunlockaflockofwords: amillionmilesaway00: oh this is sooo...
unlockaflockofwords: amillionmilesaway00: oh this is sooo true. i wish all christians understood that. it isnt just a catholic issue. SERIOUSLY.
View Articlesince1938: the bible has the worst fandom ever they can’t really help it a lot of established canon from season one was totally ignored in season two
View Articlecodenamecesare: palalife: Someone says the marking looks like...
codenamecesare: palalife: Someone says the marking looks like cat!Charles. And then I saw its eyes. Electricity. Blue. James McAvoy in Children of Dune, anyone? THOSE EYES. Baby you look terrified is...
View Articleelfpen: oliviaonthetrain: As one youtuber commented:...
elfpen: oliviaonthetrain: As one youtuber commented: SUPERWHOMERLOCK. God bless Deductism I think the universe of Fandom just exploded and then had a mutant super-powered baby. Or something like that....
View Articleraelynnmarie: This is not fair. I want this shirt. (via...
raelynnmarie: This is not fair. I want this shirt. (via Qwertee : Limited Edition Cheap Daily T Shirts | Gone in 24 Hours | T-shirt Only £8/€10/$12 | Cool Graphic Funny Tee Shirts) I just bought it :D...
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