8,465 people follow me, and all of you better be watching this video.
if you see this on your dash, right here, put aside a half an hour and watch this, or bookmark it and come back to it as soon as you can.
it’s very important.
I don’t ask you guys to do much, but I will ask that everyone watch this. at the very least, watch it. feel free to reblog this post as many times as you wish, feel free to share it anywhere you want to, and feel free to tell your friends and family about it, to take to the streets and spread the information, but even if you don’t, even if you just keep it to yourself, at the very least I’m asking you to watch.
Watch & Share: http://www.kony2012.com/sharefilm/
vondell-swain: 8,465 people follow me, and all of you better be...