typewrittenword: “Merry Happy” by Kate Nash
typewrittenword: “Merry Happy” by Kate Nash
View Articlevondell-swain: 8,465 people follow me, and all of you better be...
vondell-swain: 8,465 people follow me, and all of you better be watching this video. if you see this on your dash, right here, put aside a half an hour and watch this, or bookmark it and come back to...
View ArticleHow not to celebrate International Women's Day
magog83: Cherry Hopton has been suspended from her post at Angus College in the UK for rightly objecting to an event planned at the college to ‘commemorate’ International Women’s Day. The college...
View Articleexcaliburned: On the Kony 2012 backlash.
excaliburned: On the Kony 2012 backlash.: rosalafae: Okay, I’ve seen a lot of stuff being posted on Facebook and Tumblr and elsewhere in which people are attacking the Kony 2012 campaign as being: 1)...
View Articleestou-te-seduzindo-com-vigor: ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-nana...
estou-te-seduzindo-com-vigor: ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-nana ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-nana banana-ah-ah (ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-nana) potato-na-ah-ah (ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-nana) banana-ah-ah (ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-nana) togari noh pocato-li...
View Articlekissedmequiteinsane: mostly10: Jared: It’s pretty crazy to...
kissedmequiteinsane: mostly10: Jared: It’s pretty crazy to explain. (x) basically
View Articleconorobersts: people who are prettier than everyone else ||...
conorobersts: people who are prettier than everyone else || ginnifer goodwin
View Articlequatschmitsauce: ununpentium: thisrockandrollrefugee: The sequ...
quatschmitsauce: ununpentium: thisrockandrollrefugee: The sequel: Gay porn made out of Rick Santorum. best picture ever. Great idea but how is two guys kissing porn?
View ArticleToday: A lesson in German capitalisation
leslenne: glasmond: floobin: yourfuckingmuse: Die Spinnen!= The spiders!Die spinnen!= They are crazy!Er hatte liebe Genossen.= He had kind companions.Er hatte Liebe genossen.= He had enjoyed love.Sich...
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